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The data model explained

The data available in your BigQuery dataset is structured as a 4NF relational model. There’s one table per entity of Mediagenix On-Demand / Metadata and Sequence. Each table contains one row per instance of the entity present in the system, and the fields of each row contain the attributes of each of those entities.

Usually, tables and fields are named the same way as they appear in Mediagenix On-Demand’s and Sequence’s UI (e.g., titles, series, title_name, brand_external_id…). Exceptions to this general rule are described in the sections below.

Additional fields in each table are used to reference related instances of other entities by their IDs (e.g., brand_id, series_id, title_id…)

Reporter is in constant evolution. Developers and data analysts who use Reporter can assume their software will continue working while we add new data. We recommend selecting only the required information when querying the tables and datasets (i.e. avoiding SELECT *, which will return any additional data we introduce and may result in some issues in the downstream software consuming the data). But rest assured: we commit to not remove information, change its format, or the way it’s accessed, unless previously agreed with all our integrators.

In the PDF file linked below, you’ll find an E/R diagram showing all the tables (i.e., entities) available in your Reporter’s dataset and their relationships. The following sections of this document describe each table in detail.

Reporter E/R Diagram


The assets table contains one row per asset existing in your Sequence account. An asset (a.k.a. material) is a digital or physical material (e.g., a tape or a digital file) that is required to complete a job in Sequence.

  • jobs: Every asset is part of a job. The assets.job_id field references the job each asset belongs to.

Audio tracks

The audio_tracks table contains one row per audio track in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. An audio track represents one of the potentially multiple streams of sound available in a rendition.

  • renditions: Every audio track is part of a rendition. The audio_tracks.rendition_id field references the rendition each audio track belongs to.

Brand content promotions

The brand_content_promotions table contains one row per content promotion of a brand in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue.

  • titles: Every brand content promotion refers to a title. The brand_content_promotions.brand_content_promotion_clip_id field references that title, which represents the clip of the promotion.
  • brands: Every brand content promotion refers to a brand. The brand_content_promotions.brand_id field references the brand each promotion is associated to.

Brand credits

The brand_credits table contains one row per credit of a brand in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A credit represents the participation of a contributor in the production of a piece of content, in this case, a brand.

  • contributors: Every brand credit refers to a contributor that participated in the brand. The brand_credits.contributor_id field references the contributor each credit refers to.
  • brands: Every brand credit refers to a brand where the contributor participated. The brand_credits.brand_id field references the brand each credit refers to.

Brand images

The brand_images table contains one row per image of a brand in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. An image represents one of the potentially image assets associated to the content like posters, box covers, thumbnails, etc.

  • brands: Every brand image refers to a brand. The brand_images.brand_id field references the brand each image is associated to.


The brands table contains one row per brand in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A brand represents a show or TV program, and it’s composed of an ordered set of series (seasons).

  • licensors: A brand can have a licensor associated with it. The brands.licensor_id field references the licensor of each brand (if any).
  • brand_credits: A brand can have multiple credits. The brand_credits.brand_id field references the brand each credit refers to.
  • brands_metadata: A brand can have custom metadata values. The brands_metadata.brand_id field references the brand each set of metadata values applies to.
  • brands_metadata_multiple: A brand can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The brands_metadata_multiple.brand_id field references the brand that each metadata value applies to.
  • series: A brand can have multiple series. The series.brand_id field references the brand each series belongs to.

Brands metadata

The brands_metadata table contains one row per brand in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom brand metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the brands_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the brand metadata template of your account.

  • brands: The brands_metadata.brand_id field references the brand that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Brands metadata (multiple)

The brands_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a brand. This table is the counterpart of brand_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per brand, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per brand.

The brand_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the brand_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • brands: The brands_metadata_multiple.brand_id field references the brand that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the brand_metadata field).


The channels table contains one row per linear channel in your Mediagenix On-Demand account.

Collection content promotions

The collection_content_promotions table contains one row per content promotion of a collection in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue.

  • titles: Every collection content promotion refers to a title. The collection_content_promotions.collection_content_promotion_clip_id field references that title, which represents the clip of the promotion.
  • collections: Every collection content promotion refers to a collection. The collection_content_promotions.collection_id field references the collection each promotion is associated to.

Collection credits

The collection_credits table contains one row per credit of a collection in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A credit represents the participation of a contributor in the production of a piece of content, in this case, a collection.

  • contributors: Every collection credit refers to a contributor that participated in the collection. The collection_credits.contributor_id field references the contributor each credit refers to.
  • collections: Every collection credit refers to a collection where the contributor participated. The collection_credits.collection_id field references the collection each credit refers to.

Collection entries

The collection_entries table contains one row per entry of a collection in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A collection entry specifies the position of a title in a collection.

  • collections: Every collection entry is part of a collection. The collection_entries.collection_id field references the collection each entry belongs to.
  • titles: Every collection entry refers to a title that is part of the collection. The collection_entries.title_id field references the title of the entry.

Collection images

The collection_images table contains one row per image of a collection in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. An image represents one of the potentially image assets associated to the content like posters, box covers, thumbnails, etc.

  • collections: Every collection image refers to a collection. The collection_images.collection_id field references the collection each image is associated to.

Collection rules

The collection_rules table contains one row per rule associated to a collection.

Mediagenix On-Demand’s rules let you define how to schedule your series, collections or features for catch-up taking the transmissions in your linear channels as a reference.

  • collections: Every collection rule refers to a collection. The collection_rules.collection_id field references the collection each rule is associated to.
  • channels: A collection rule can have a channel associated with it. The collection_rules.channel_id field references the channel of the reference transmission of each collection rule (if any).


The collections table contains one row per collection present in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A collection is a user-defined selection of titles in a specific order. A collection can contain any title present in your catalogue.

  • collection_entries: A collection can have multiple collection entries. The collection_entries.collection_id field references the collection each entry belongs to.
  • collection_credits: A collection can have multiple credits. The collection_credits.collection_id field references the collection each credit refers to.
  • collections_metadata: A collection can have custom metadata values. The collections_metadata.collection_id field references the collection each set of metadata values applies to.
  • collections_metadata_multiple: A collection can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The collections_metadata_multiple.collection_id field references the collection that each metadata value applies to.

Collections metadata

The collections_metadata table contains one row per collection in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom collection metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the collections_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the collection metadata template of your account.

  • collections: The collections_metadata.collection_id field references the collection that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Collections metadata (multiple)

The collections_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a collection. This table is the counterpart of collection_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per collection, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per collection.

The collection_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the collection_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • collections: The collections_metadata_multiple.collection_id field references the collection that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the collection_metadata field).

Content promotions

There is no content_promotions table as promotions are stored in a specific table per model which can have associated promotions.


The contributors table contains one row per contributor present in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A contributor is a person that participated in the production of content in your catalogue (brand, series, titles…)

  • brand_credits: A contributor can appear in the credits of multiple brands. The brand_credits.contributor_id field references the contributor each credit refers to.
  • contributors_metadata: A contributor can have custom metadata values. The contributors_metadata.contributor_id field references the contributor each set of metadata values applies to.
  • contributors_metadata_multiple: A contributor can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The contributors_metadata_multiple.contributor_id field references the contributor that each metadata value applies to.

Contributor images

The contributor_images table contains one row per image of a contributor in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. An image represents one of the potentially image assets associated to the content like posters, box covers, thumbnails, etc.

  • contributors: Every contributor image refers to a contributor. The contributor_images.contributor_id field references the contributor each image is associated to.

Contributors metadata

The contributors_metadata table contains one row per contributor in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom contributor metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the contributors_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the contributor metadata template of your account.

  • contributors: The contributors_metadata.contributor_id field references the contributor that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Contributors metadata (multiple)

The contributors_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a contributor. This table is the counterpart of contributor_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per contributor, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per contributor.

The contributor_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the contributor_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • contributors: The contributors_metadata_multiple.contributor_id field references the contributor that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the contributor_metadata field).

Deal platforms

The deal_platforms table contains one row per specific platform a deal applies to.

  • deals: The deal_id field references the deal the row refers to.
  • platforms: The platform_id field references the platform the row refers to.

Deal requirements

The deal_requirements table contains one row per deal requirement configured in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A deal requirement is a high-level attribute of a deal, such as the business model or the territory.

Note that if the deal has value of “any” in Mediagenix On-Demand’s UI for a requirement category, there won’t be any rows for that category for that right here, as there are no specific requirement category values the deal applies to.

  • deals: A deal requirement will always refer to a deal. The deal_requirements.deal_id field references the deal each requirement applies to.


The deals table contains one row per deal in your Mediagenix On-Demand account.

  • channels: A deal can have a channel associated with it. The deals.channel_id field references the channel of the reference transmission of each deal (if any).
  • licensors: A deal can have a licensor associated with it. The deals.licensor_id field references the licensor of each deal (if any).
  • deals_metadata: A deal can have custom metadata values. The deals_metadata.deal_id field references the deal each set of metadata values applies to.
  • deals_metadata_multiple: A deal can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The deals_metadata_multiple.deal_id field references the brand that each metadata value applies to.

Deals metadata

The deals_metadata table contains one row per deal in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom deal metadata keys configured in your account, except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the deals_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the deal metadata template of your account.

  • deals: The deals_metadata.deal_id field references the deal that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Deals metadata (multiple)

The deals_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a deal. This table is the counterpart of deals_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per deal, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per deal.

The deal_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the deal_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • deals: The deals_metadata_multiple.deal_id field references the deal that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the deal_metadata field).


There is no images table as images are stored in a specific table per model which can have associated images.

Images metadata

The images_metadata table contains one row per image in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom image metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the images_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the image metadata template of your account.

  • images: The images_metadata.image_id field references the image that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Images metadata (multiple)

The images_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of an image. This table is the counterpart of images_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per image, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per image.

The image_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the image_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • images: The images_metadata_multiple.image_id field references the image that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the images_metadata dataset).

Image platforms

The image_platforms table contains one row per specific platform an image applies to.

  • images: The image_id field references the image the row refers to.
  • platforms: The platform_id field references the platform the row refers to.


The jobs table contains one row per job present in your Sequence account. A job represents a workflow, a set of tasks to be done over a set of assets.

  • work_areas: Every job is part of a work area. The jobs.work_area_id field references the work area each job belongs to.
  • schedule_entries: A job can be created from Mediagenix On-Demand and get associated to one particular schedule entry. The jobs.schedule_entry_id field references the schedule entry related to each job (if any).
  • assets: A job can have multiple assets that are part of it. The assets.job_id field references the job each asset belongs to.
  • tasks: A job can have multiple tasks that are part of it. The tasks.job_id field references the job each asset belongs to.
  • notes: A job can have multiple notes attached to it. The notes.job_id field references the job each note is part of.
  • problems: A job can have multiple problems reported in it. The problems.job_id field references the job each problem is part of.


The licensors table contains one row per licensor present in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A licensor is an entity (company, organization, department…) that licenses content in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue (brands, series, titles…).

  • brands: A licensor can license multiple brands in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. The brands.licensor_id field references the licensor of each brand (if any).
  • titles: A licensor can license multiple titles in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. The titles.licensor_id field references the licensor of each title (if any).
  • deals: A licensor can license multiple deals in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. The deals.licensor_id field references the licensor of each deal (if any).

Linear schedule entries

The linear_schedule_entries table contains one row per linear entry present in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A linear schedule entry is a period of time in which a title is scheduled to be exhibited in a channel.

  • titles: A linear schedule entry always refers to a title. The linear_schedule_entries.title_id field references the title each linear schedule entry applies to.
  • channels: A linear schedule entry always refers to a channel. The linear_schedule_entries.channel_id field references the channel where the content is scheduled.
  • versions: A linear schedule entry can optionally specify which one of the title’s versions is scheduled. The linear_schedule_entries.version_id field references the scheduled version.


The notes table contains one row per note attached to any job in your Sequence account. A note is a written message left by a user in a job.

  • jobs: A note will always be attached to a job. The notes.job_id field references the job each note is part of.


The outlets table contains one row per outlet configured in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. An outlet represents the means by which Mediagenix On-Demand talks to a particular real platform.

  • platforms: An outlet can be referenced from multiple platforms. The platforms.outlet_id field references the outlet for the platform.

Platform requirements

The platform_requirements table contains one row per platform requirement configured in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A platform requirement is a high-level attribute of a platform, such as the business model or the territory.

  • platforms: A requirement will always refer to a platform. The platform_requirements.platform_id field references the platform each requirement applies to.


The platforms table contains one row per platform present in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A platform is a named schedule, a target for scheduling and publishing actions in Mediagenix On-Demand. A platform usually is related to an external VOD platform (e.g., Youtube, iTunes) or downstream system to which Mediagenix On-Demand publish schedules and metadata to.

  • schedule_entries: A platform can be referenced from multiple schedule entries. The schedule_entries.platform_id field references the platform where the content is scheduled.


The problems table contains one row per problem reported in any job in your Sequence account. A problem is a written message describing an issue found while processing a job.

  • jobs: A problem will always be attached to a job. The problems.job_id field references the job each problem is part of.


The publications table contains one row per publication present in any schedule entry your Mediagenix On-Demand account.

  • schedule_entries: A publication will always be attached to a schedule entry. The publications.schedule_entry_id field references the schedule entry each publication is related to.

Rendition platforms

The rendition_platforms table contains one row per specific platform an rendition applies to.

  • renditions: The rendition_id field references the rendition the row refers to.
  • platforms: The platform_id field references the platform the row refers to.


The renditions table contains one row per version rendition present in your Mediagenix On-Demand catalogue. A rendition is a video representation of a version in a particular format, resolution, frame rate…

  • versions: A rendition is the representation of a particular version. The renditions.version_id field references the version each rendition is related to.
  • audio_tracks: A rendition can have multiple audio tracks that are part of it. The audio_tracks.rendition_id field references the rendition each audio track belongs to.
  • subtitles: A rendition can have multiple subtitles that are part of it. The subtitles.rendition_id field references the rendition each subtitle belongs to.

Right platforms

The right_platforms table contains one row per specific platform a right applies to.

  • rights: The right_id field references the right the row refers to.
  • platforms: The right_id field references the platform the row refers to.

Right requirements

The right_requirements table contains one row per right requirement configured in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A right requirement is a high-level attribute of a right, such as the business model or the territory.

Note that if the right has value of “any” in Mediagenix On-Demand’s UI for a category, there won’t be any rows for that category for this right, as there are no specific requirement category values the right applies to.

  • rights: A right requirement will always refer to a right. The right_requirements.right_id field references the right each requirement applies to.

Right windows

The right_windows table contains one row per right window existing in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A right window is a period of time in which a title is allowed to be scheduled in a platform according to the recorded rights information in Mediagenix On-Demand.

  • rights: A right window always refers to a right. The right_windows.right_id field references the right each rights window belongs to.
  • titles: A right window always refers to a title. The right_windows.title_id field references the title each rights window applies to.
  • platforms: A right window always refers to a platform. The right_windows.platform_id field references the platform where the title is allowed by each right window.


The rights table contains one row per right existing in your Mediagenix On-Demand account.

  • titles: A right can refer to a title. The rights.title_id field references the title the right applies to if (any).
  • series: A right can refer to a series. The rights.series_id field references the series the right applies to if (any).
  • deals: A right can belong to a deal. The rights.deal_id field references the deal the right belongs to if (any).

Schedule entries

The schedule_entries table contains one row per entry existing in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s schedule. A schedule entry is a period of time in which a title is scheduled to be exhibited in a platform.

  • titles: A schedule entry always refers to a title. The schedule_entries.title_id field references the title each schedule entry applies to.
  • platforms: A schedule entry always refers to a platform. The schedule_entries.platform_id field references the platform where the content is scheduled.
  • versions: A schedule entry can optionally specify which one of the title’s versions is scheduled. The schedule_entries.version_id field references the scheduled version.
  • collections: A schedule entry can optionally a collection as part of which the title is scheduled. The schedule_entries.collection_id field references the collection of the scheduling.
  • schedule_entries_metadata: A schedule entry can have custom metadata values. The schedule_entries_metadata.schedule_entry_id field references the schedule entry each set of metadata values applies to.
  • schedule_entries_metadata_multiple: A schedule entry can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The schedule_entries_metadata_multiple.schedule_entry_id field references the schedule entry that each metadata value applies to.

Schedule entries metadata

The schedule_entries_metadata table contains one row per schedule entry in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom schedule entry metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the schedule_entries_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the schedule entry metadata template of your account.

  • schedule_entries: The schedule_entries_metadata.schedule entry_id field references the schedule entry that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Schedule entries metadata (multiple)

The schedule_entries_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a schedule entry. This table is the counterpart of schedule_entry_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per schedule entry, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per schedule entry.

The schedule_entry_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the schedule_entry_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • schedule_entries: The schedule_entries_metadata_multiple.schedule entry_id field references the schedule entry that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the schedule_entry_metadata field).

Schedule entries reference programs

The schedule_entries_reference_programs table contains one row per catch-up scheduling related to specific linear scheduling.

  • schedule_entries: The schedule_entry_id field references the schedule entry the row refers to.
  • linear_schedule_entries: The linear_schedule_entry_id field references the linear schedule entry the row refers to.


The segments table contains one row per segment of a version in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A segment is one of the potentially multiple parts into which a version is divided.

  • versions: A segment is always part of a version. The segments.version_id field references the version each segment belongs to.


The series table contains one row per series present in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A series is a set of ordered episodes of a single season of a TV program or show.

  • brands: A series can be part of a brand. The series.brand_id field references the brand each series belongs to (if any).
  • series_credits: A series can have multiple credits. The series_credits.series_id field references the series each credit refers to.
  • series_metadata: A series can have custom metadata values. The series_metadata.series_id field references the series each set of metadata values applies to.
  • series_metadata_multiple: A series can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The series_metadata_multiple.series_id field references the series that each metadata value applies to.
  • titles: A series can have multiple episodes. The title.series_id field references the series each episode belongs to.

Series content promotions

The series_content_promotions table contains one row per content promotion of a series in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue.

  • titles: Every series content promotion refers to a title. The series_content_promotions.series_content_promotion_clip_id field references that title, which represents the clip of the promotion.
  • series: Every series content promotion refers to a series. The series_content_promotions.series_id field references the series each promotion is associated to.

Series credits

The series_credits table contains one row per credit of a series in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A credit represents the participation of a contributor in the production of a piece of content, in this case, a series.

  • contributors: Every series credit refers to a contributor that participated in the series. The series_credits.contributor_id field references the contributor each credit refers to.
  • series: Every series credit refers to a series where the contributor participated. The series_credits.series_id field references the series each credit refers to.

Series images

The series_images table contains one row per image of a series in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. An image represents one of the potentially image assets associated to the content like posters, box covers, thumbnails, etc.

  • series: Every series image refers to a series. The series_images.series_id field references the series each image is associated to.

Series metadata

The series_metadata table contains one row per series in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom series metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the series_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the series metadata template of your account.

  • series: The series_metadata.series_id field references the series that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Series metadata (multiple)

The series_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a series. This table is the counterpart of series_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per series, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per series.

The series_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the series_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • series: The series_metadata_multiple.series_id field references the series that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the series_metadata field).

Series rules

The series_rules table contains one row per rule associated to a series.

Mediagenix On-Demand’s rules let you define how to schedule your series, collections or features for catch-up taking the transmissions in your linear channels as a reference.

  • series: Every series rule refers to a series. The series_rules.series_id field references the series each rule is associated to.
  • channels: A series rule can have a channel associated with it. The series_rules.channel_id field references the channel of the reference transmission of each series rule (if any).


The subtitles table contains one row per subtitle in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A subtitle represents one of the potentially multiple streams of captions transcribing the dialogue or narrative of a rendition in a particular language.

  • renditions: Every subtitle is part of a rendition. The subtitles.rendition_id field references the rendition each subtitle belongs to.


The tasks table contains one row per task existing in your Sequence account. A task is a piece of work that needs to be completed as part of the job in Sequence.

  • jobs: Every task is part of a job. The assets.job_id field references the job each task belongs to.

Title content promotions

The title_content_promotions table contains one row per content promotion of a title in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue.

  • titles: Every title content promotion refers to a title. The title_content_promotions.title_content_promotion_clip_id field references that title, which represents the clip of the promotion.
  • titles: Every title content promotion refers to a title. The title_content_promotions.title_id field references the title each promotion is associated to.

Title credits

The title_credits table contains one row per credit of a title in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A credit represents the participation of a contributor in the production of a piece of content, in this case, a title.

  • contributors: Every title credit refers to a contributor that participated in the title. The title_credits.contributor_id field references the contributor each credit refers to.
  • titles: Every title credit refers to a title where the contributor participated. The title_credits.title_id field references the title each credit refers to.

Title images

The title_images table contains one row per image of a title in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. An image represents one of the potentially image assets associated to the content like posters, box covers, thumbnails, etc.

  • titles: Every title image refers to a title. The title_images.title_id field references the title each image is associated to.

Title rules

The title_rules table contains one row per rule associated to a title.

Mediagenix On-Demand’s rules let you define how to schedule your series, collections or features for catch-up taking the transmissions in your linear channels as a reference.

  • titles: Every title rule refers to a title. The title_rules.titlen_id field references the title each rule is associated to.
  • channels: A title rule can have a channel associated with it. The title_rules.channel_id field references the channel of the reference transmission of each title rule (if any).


The titles table contains one row per title present in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A title is an individual piece of content: a feature film, a series episode or any other audiovisual clip (open, promo, trailer, bumper…).

  • licensors: A title can have a licensor associated with it. The brands.licensor_id field references the licensor of each title (if any).
  • series: A title that is an episode is always part of a series. The title.series_id field references the series each episode belongs to.
  • title_credits: A title can have multiple credits. The title_credits.title_id field references the title each credit refers to.
  • titles_metadata: A title can have custom metadata values. The titles_metadata.title_id field references the title each set of metadata values applies to.
  • titles_metadata_multiple: A title can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The titles_metadata_multiple.title_id field references the title that each metadata value applies to.
  • rights_windows: A title can have multiple right windows. The right_windows.title_id field references the title that each rights window applies to.
  • schedule_entries: A title can have multiple schedule entries. The schedule_entries.title_id field references the title that each schedule entry applies to.
  • versions: A title can have multiple versions of it. The versions.title_id field references the title each version belongs to.

Titles metadata

The titles_metadata table contains one row per title in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom title metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the titles_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the title metadata template of your account.

  • titles: The titles_metadata.title_id field references the title that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Titles metadata (multiple)

The titles_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a title. This table is the counterpart of title_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per title, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per title.

The title_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the title_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • titles: The titles_metadata_multiple.title_id field references the title that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the title_metadata field).


The versions table contains one row per title version present in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A version is a particular variation of a title (e.g., with or without strong language).

Please note that versions are called assets in Mediagenix On-Demand UI at the moment.

  • title: A version is always related to a title. The versions.title_id field references the title each version belongs to.
  • versions_metadata: A version can have custom metadata values. The versions_metadata.version_id field references the version each set of metadata values applies to.
  • versions_metadata_multiple: A version can have custom “multiple” metadata values. The versions_metadata_multiple.version_id field references the version that each metadata value applies to.
  • renditions: A version can be represented in multiple video renditions. The renditions.version_id field references the version each rendition is related to.
  • schedule_entries: A version can be part of multiple schedule entries. The schedule_entries.version_id field references the scheduled version.

Versions metadata

The versions_metadata table contains one row per version in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue with the values for each of the custom version metadata keys configured in your account except for multiple metadata keys; those can be found in the versions_metadata_multiple table.

The schema of this table is dynamic as it contains one field per key configured in the version metadata template of your account.

  • versions: The versions_metadata.version_id field references the version that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Versions metadata (multiple)

The versions_metadata_multiple table contains one row per value of each multiple metadata key of a version. This table is the counterpart of version_metadata: while that table stores metadata keys with single values in one single row per version, this table stores metadata keys with multiple values in multiple rows per version.

The version_metadata_key field specifies the name of the metadata key, while the version_metadata_value stores the value of that key.

  • versions: The versions_metadata_multiple.version_id field references the version that the metadata applies to. Note that there’s a 1:N relationship with this table (as opposed to the 1:1 relationship of the version_metadata field).

Work areas

The work_areas table contains one row per work area configured in your Sequence account. A work area is a separated space that allows creating and processing jobs in Sequence.

  • jobs: A work area can have multiple jobs as part of it. The jobs.work_area_id field references the work area each job belongs to.


The playlists table contains one row per playlist present in your Mediagenix On-Demand account. A playlist represents a collection of playlist entries, which represent the pieces of content that should be played in that list.

  • schedule_entries: The playlists.schedule_entry_id field references the schedule entry that the playlist applies to. Note that there’s a 1:1 relationship with this table.

Playlist entries

The playlist_entries table contains one row per entry of a playlist in your Mediagenix On-Demand’s catalogue. A playlist entry specifies the position of an asset or segment in a playlist.

  • playlists: Every playlist entry is part of a playlist. The playlist_entries.playlist_id field references the playlist each entry belongs to.
  • assets: A playlist entry can have an asset. The playlists_entries.asset_id field references the asset each playlist entry is associated to.
  • segments: A playlist entry can have a segment. The playlists_entries.segment_id field references the segment each playlist entry is associated to.